Living sufism
To expound the teachings of Sufism fully one must give at least an outline of Sufi doctrine, which includes a metaphysics about the principle and nature of things, a cosmology concerning the structure of the Universe and its multiple states of being, a traditional psychology about the structure of the human soul to which is attached a psychotherapy of the profoundest order compared to which modern psychotherapy is but a caricature, and finally an eschatology concerning the final end of man and of the Universe and man’s posthumous becoming. The elucidation of the teachings of Sufism would include, moreover, a discussion of the spiritual methods, their manner of administration and the way in which they take root in the very substance of the soul of the disciple. It would also involve a discussion of the relation between master and disciple and of the spiritual virtues, which are engendered in the soul of the disciple through the alchemy performed upon his soul by the master. Living Sufism combines scholarly research into all these aspects of Sufi doctrines and history with a penetrating account of the spiritual and metaphysical message and significance of Sufism as a living spiritual tradition. In an original discussion, the author places special accent on the relevance of Sufi teachings to contemporary problems. The book is written for both the ever-increasing western public interested in Sufism and for the Western educated Muslim interested in his own spiritual heritage. Dr. Nasr draws on his intimate knowledge of Sufi literature in Arabic and Persian as well as his first-hand knowledge of the Sufi tradition.